Pro / Riders

Chase Hawk Profile (2025)

chase hawk

Curious about the Chase Hawk profile and his best BMX videos?

Chase is a name everyone in the BMX world knows – and for good reason.

He’s been part of the scene for ages, and the best part?

There’s no sign of him slowing down. Every new edit is just as exciting as the last.

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Whether it’s streets, parks, or trails, Chase turns everything into his personal playground.

His riding is pure magic – smooth, stylish, and effortless.

Sometimes he goes brakeless and pegless, other times with two pegs and a back brake.

Either way, Chase absolutely kills it every time.

We owe a lot to his dad, Danny Hawk, for putting Chase on a freestyle BMX bike.

At just seven years old, Chase got his first bike from his dad. But even before that, he was already racing and showing incredible bike control.

Then came the game-changer: a local skatepark opened, and that was it.

Racing was out, and riding transitions became his everything.

The flow, the freedom, the endless possibilities – he couldn’t stop, and we’re all better off for it.

This post covers:

Chase Hawk Profile

1. Chase Bio

Date of birth: July 25, 1986
Place of birth: Austin, Texas
Height: 5’9″
Stance: Right foot forward
Instagram: @chasehawk

2. Chase Sponsors

Cult Crew, Etnies, Rockstar, Oakley, Burn Slow, Empire, Fly and S1 Helmets.

3. Chase Bike Check

Don’t miss the Chase Hawk bike check that I have going on for you.

4. Parts Chase Rides

Featured photo by: Devon Hutchins.

5. Best Chase Hawk BMX Videos

1. Bike – Chase Hawk vs Aaron Ross

For an epic and hilarious experience, don’t miss the Game of BIKE featuring Chase and Aaron.

While it may not be entirely infused with holiday cheer when you watch it, it serves as a great reminder of the joys of Christmas.

The game is notably extensive, showcasing the exceptional skills of both dudes.

Excitingly, Chase executes a barspin, fulfilling the dreams of those eager to see this trick – ME INCLUDED!

The winner remains a mystery to maintain the suspense but rest assured, both contestants give it their all in this thrilling contest.

2. Mondays At The Office

When Slayer hits you in a BMX video, you know it will be EPIC! And what’s even better is watching Chase shred The Hawk’s Nest, murdering every inch of it.

You’re in for a sweet treat with Trent Lutzke behind the lens and guest riding from Adam Baker.

The only downside of this whole experience is that the video is WAAAY too short. Because you can never get bored watching Hawk shred, even if it’d be 24 hours straight.


3. The Hawks Nest

Every BMX rider’s dream – to have a skatepark in the backyard!

While this project was years in the making, Chase teamed up with Rockstar and Cult to build this epic backyard skatepark, which he can now wake up to every single day.

The first two and a half minutes are a short documentary about the project, followed by around eight minutes of SOLID riding.

From amazing transitions and beautiful 360s to various creative lines and combos, welcome to The Hawks Nest!

Guest appearance by Tom Dugan.

The video deserves at least three rewatches in a row.

4. Welcome to Fly Bikes

I’m so stoked to see Chase on Fly. Note: He’s not leaving Cult, it’s just that he will be riding Fly parts from now on.

And to make the announcement official, here’s a short, one-minute-long welcome to the team video that’s nothing but eye candy.

Black and white, slow-mo, and Chase’s style – what else do you need in life? TOO. GOOD.

5. Chase Hawk At House Park

ALL THOSE MANUAL LINES – so beautiful. Here is Chase’s entry to the USL House Park Super Cup contest and it’s a real eye candy.

The bike control that Chase has is on a completely different level. Everything looks so simple, so clean, so smooth.

And we all know how challenging even the “easiest” manual line in this one is.

Even though it’s the street I prefer the most, I could still watch this for hours straight and never get bored.

Enjoy the amazingness of Chase at House Park in Austin, Texas.

6. Etnies Marana slip colorway promo

Here is a RIDICULOUSLY good promo featuring Chase and his signature Marana slip shoe at just a little over a minute long.

Chase, slip ons and a mini ramp – what else do you need? You know immediately that the riding will be butter smooth, which it is!

This could be ten minutes or an hour long, and you’d still have your eyes glued to the screen. It’s always a treat watching Chase do his thing. And all those peg combos are dope!

If you haven’t seen this one, I urge you to do it immediately. (Or rewatch it once again because you know how good it is!)

Note: If you need new BMX shoes, I have a full list of the best ones.

7. Cult “Knock em down” Chase clips

This clip is a selection of raw footage from Chase for Cult’s video “Knock Em Down.” When you see a new video clip from Chase, you need to sit down, make some popcorn, and hit play.

The dude is so smooth that even raw footage is a treat to watch.

It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t do any wild tricks because his riding style is timeless. He rides everything dirt, bowls, ditches, street.

Grab a cold one now and enjoy this raw masterpiece from Chase now.

8. Cult “It’s Later Than You Think” part

Chase has been in the BMX scene for some time. He is a well-respected rider and known for his style and flow. Chase has been on many covers of magazines, too.

He came from a ratty kid to one of the biggest names in BMX.

Needless to say, he made a lot of videos in his riding years and this one is from the latest Cult DVD, “It’s Later Than You Think.” What is not to like about his riding?

If you are a guy who enjoys big tricks, just sit down and take a pen and write down how to flow on BMX. Chase’s videos are for everyone.

9. Chase Hawk Compilation 1

This is a big collection of Instagram clips; some are a couple of years old. Some of them were even when Cult started their way into BMX like ten years ago.

There are also clips from an Empire BMX bowl, which was always a treat to see when someone made a video in there. You can also see how Chase rode the famous T1 ramp in Austin.

It all came together just perfectly, as it does not matter whether it’s old or new clips; everything from Chase is gold.

10. Chase and Tom “Texting is My Cardio”

Chase and Tom Dugan are long-time friends. They even have two same sponsors and go together on the same trips. They are both style and flow riders, but you will still spot the unique approach from both.

Chase is always smooth, but Tom is a crazy dude with some wicked stuff.

They visited several parks around Austin and even hit some street spots to make everything more dynamic.

Of course, they also did not miss the famous House park in Austin. If you are a fan of style and flow, this is eight minutes of amazingness for you.

11. Long Story Short with Chase

So do you want to know Chase a little bit more? If the answer is yes, then take five minutes off, make some coffee and watch this. He talks about who was his inspiration when he got into BMX.

He was one lucky kid that grew in the era when big names of BMX were in Austin. Names like Taj Michelich, Joe Rich, Ruben Alcantara, and Brian Foster made BMX look good and these were his role models.

He talks about his first trip and some other things that happened in his life.

12. X Games – Trough The Years

2014 was a good year for Chase. He got an invite to the X Games Dirt and Park contests. This was filmed before the event in Austin, Texas, that year.

Chase is born and raised in Austin, so he was really honored to be invited to X Games in his hometown.

This is his story of how everything started for him.

You can see how he got his first bike Moongose for 25 bucks and the bike was too big for him, but no matter what, he rode it, and in 2014 he won his X Games gold medal in his hometown Austin.

This was so big that city of Austin declared the 15 of August a Chase Hawk day.

13. Fox “The Texas Two Wheels”

Here we go to the Wild Wild West, to the state capital Austin, Texas. No horses or guns, just little bikes.

A nice little story to kick things off before you can watch one of the best riders in the world doing their normal routine in the morning to their riding routine.

After all the intro, we finally come to the main objective of this video – riding.

Chase opens with a big line in the bowl and after that, everybody on this team shows their skills on the beautiful bike.

Insane bike control from Chase, Aaron Ross, Sean and Nina.

14. Chase Hawk in Washington State

Chase and a couple of his friends took a little trip to Washington State. What can be better than camping and wild skateparks? Nothing is the answer.

Chase is a local everywhere he goes.

He figures out some lines that even local riders don’t see. He goes high everywhere and every line has some Hawk specialties in it.

This video also has a couple of clips from the legend, Joe Rich. He was a role model when Chase was growing up and now they ride together – BMX is just awesome.

15. Welcome to Etnies

In 2013 Etnies BMX team got a new member. No other than the Chase Hawk. Man, when I saw this news in 2013, I was super excited to see his welcome edit.

This was the only video playing on my computer for several days, heck, weeks in a row.

The dude has so much style and smoothness in riding that you can’t stop watching.

Inside are stories from the Etnies team; you can feel that they are super stoked to have Chase on the team.

Who wouldn’t be? Now click play, think about what just happened and then rewatch it.

Remember, Dan’s Comp has you sorted if you need a new pair of Etnies.

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About Author

Luka is heavily involved in the BMX industry, not only as a passionate rider but also as an experienced BMX shop owner, selling the best parts and clothing for every shredder.