Pro / Riders

Jacob Cable Profile (2025)

jacob cable

Are you ready to dive into the best Jacob Cable profile and a collection of his most mind-blowing BMX videos?

This dude is the Balance King – but he’s way more than just a “flatland-inspired” street rider.

Jacob brings next-level tech skills, wild grind combos, and massive setups into his riding.

The best part? You never really know what’s coming next, but you do know it’s going to be something insane.

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Jacob was born on February 5, 1998, in Huntington Beach. From an early age, his style and trick selection set him apart.

Fun fact: Did you know Travis Hughes is Jacob’s cousin?

At the time of writing this, Jacob is doing it for Kink BMX, Odyssey BMX, Vans Shoes, and Common Crew.

Now, let’s enjoy some pure BMX magic from Jacob Cable!

Since I am already mentioning Kink, he is Anthony Perrin and Nathan Williams‘s teammate.

And on the Odyssey side, Jacob is doing it with Broc Raiford, Justin Spriet and Matt Nordstrom.

It is always an absolute pleasure to watch his videos, even for the tenth time.

This post covers:

Jacob Cable Profile

1. Bio

Date of birth: February 5, 1998
Place of birth: Huntington Beach
Height: 5’9″
Stance: Left foot forward
Instagram: @jacob_cable

2. Sponsors

Kink BMX, Odyssey BMX, Vans Shoes and Common Crew.

3. Bike Check

Don’t miss checking my Jacob Cable bike check, which is HOT!

4. Parts Jacob Rides

Featured photo by: Kink.

5. Best Jacob Cable BMX Videos

Cold Cuts Jacob Cable THIRTY

There’s literally nothing better for me than watching the filming process that takes the rider to create the epic final product. And it’s even better if the footage is in raw format – no music and fancy editing, just riding.

Here’s a nice portion of clips (attempts, second angles, etc.) that went into creating Jacob’s amazing part in the Kink “THIRTY” video.

It still boggles my mind how insanely skilled this dude is – especially with the nose manual combos, regular, or switch; it doesn’t matter.

Also, those backward icepick grinds – damn, they shouldn’t look THIS easy.

And everything looks so ridiculously smooth!

Kink BMX ATX Vacation

If technical street maneuvers with a few big stunts here and there are your things, this fresh Jacob video will do the trick.

It features nothing but good stuff at two and a half minutes long. Jacob is so dialed at pulling unbelievable moves that will knock your socks off.

All this was shot in just two one-week trips to Austin, Texas, showing how skilled rider Jacob is.

Also, you need to pay close attention to his switch-footed tricks because you barely notice them. The music is good, the riding is exceptional – what else do you want?

There are also guest appearances from Chad Osburn and Travis Hughes.

Odyssey – BIG TECH

Even though this is a split video, I simply cannot not post it in Jacob Cable’s best videos collection. There’s so much good stuff in here – to the point of getting really ridiculous.

Both Jacob and Matt Nordstrom absolutely killed it with their next-level technical street riding that keeps you questioning, “But how?!”

And what’s even more impressive is that Jacob and Matt filmed all these clips in just a week spent on the road.

I think I need to rewatch this one a few more times just to take in all that happened.

Tech level: 11/10.

Jacob’s USL Blow Up The Park submission

I am glad that they invited Jacob to submit his video for the USL “Blow Up The Park” contest. This is nothing but eye candy.

Even though Jacob’s video may not be the longest and may even have the least amount of tricks, everything is art.

It’s all about the technically advanced lines that Jacob pulls, and there are quite a few here.

The level of bike control that Jacob is at is mind-bending. I do not want to tell you all, but that last nose manual line across the entire skatepark is absurd.

Odyssey “At Ease” with Jacob

This part definitely does not describe Cable’s section from Odyssey’s 2020 team video called “At Ease.”

Right out of the gate, Jacob starts with what has to be a 100-foot-long handrail double peg grind to hard 360.

From there, technical insanity continues. There’s no doubt that Jacob is one of the best in BMX right now at backward ice pick grinds and fakie manuals.

Needless to say, nose manuals as well. The last clip is an absolutely amazing uprail 360 to manual 360 that you will not want to miss.

Odyssey “Technically Speaking” web edit

Jacob’s technical riding abilities are seriously mind-bending, which could be what led to this video’s title from Odyssey called “Technically Speaking.”

Watching Jacob’s fakie manual and nose manual into and out of so many grinds is hard to understand but easy to appreciate.

Quite honestly, the combos Jacob Cable makes happen in this video cannot be put into words that would be understandable without seeing it happen first-hand, so do yourself a favor and hit play!

Also, the last clip is one of the most incredible fakie ice pick grinds ever done in BMX.

Jacob on Unclicked podcast

It’s not every day that a BMX rider gets promoted to pro for two different companies simultaneously. It’s also not every day that you get to see a rider be promoted to pro.

This Unclicked Podcast with Jacob Cable starts normal and has Travis Hughes in the company along with the usual hosts Dennis Enarson and Ryan Fudger.

Then at the end the topic shifts to when Travis was bumped to pro and just after that is when it happens. I don’t want to spoil this for you, so check out the podcast.

Common Crew “Monster Mash” part

There’s no denying that Jacob Cable is an extremely well-known pro rider these days.

Before he turned pro for two different companies (Odyssey & Kink) in one day, he was a 13-year-old kid starting to work on his Monster Mash DVD part from the Common Crew.

The description says he was legally able to vote by the time filming was finished, which means he worked on this part for 5 years and it shows.

The opening clip is an insanely long manual/hang 5/manual/grind/manual line that just shows what we’re in for with this one.

Jacob’s tech mastery shines through here with tons of mad stunts that need to be seen to believe.

Jacob and Travis welcome to Odyssey

Jacob and Travis Hughes were welcomed to the Odyssey AM team in the same video back in 2014. It’s easy to see why they both deserved to be on the team!

The dynamic between these two also makes it easy to see why they were welcomed to the team together. They are family.

From grind combo to grind combo, they go back and forth with the technical prowess of riders twice their age. Travis Hughes even shows his jumping skills with a big 360 tailwhip over a dirt jump.

Jacob Cable sessions Vans HB park

In 2015 the chances were pretty good that you would probably see a pro or two if you head to Vans Skatepark in Huntington Beach, California on a Wednesday for BMX day. One of which may have been Jacob.

This video from VitalBMX called HB Sessions showcases Jacob’s amazing bike control.

The way he makes these grind combos look so easy is nothing short of incredible and this video is full of them.

Up rail hard 180 barspin to half cab barspin down a drop?! This and a lot more is what goes down in here.

How to feeble hard 360 with Jacob

Want to learn how to feeble to hard 360? You’re lucky with this how to video from the late Ride BMX with Jacob Cable teaching you how to do it properly.

Jacob is a perfect person to learn from, as he makes hard 360’s out of grinds look too easy.

He goes over all of the details you will need to learn this one from the best places to learn it, tips like wax, and things to learn before moving to the full 360 out of the feeble.

Welcome to Kink flow team

Back in 2013, a young Jacob Cable burst onto the BMX scene. Kink welcomed him to the flow team with this video, which was an early sign of the technical master he was on his way to becoming.

The manual and nose manual lines we know and love from him are also present here.

It is always fun to look at older videos from a rider with where they currently are in mind.

BMX has pretty much watched Jacob grow up and he’s showing no signs of slowing down any time soon.

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About Author

Luka is heavily involved in the BMX industry, not only as a passionate rider but also as an experienced BMX shop owner, selling the best parts and clothing for every shredder.